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Clarity in the Chaos

Betsy Kay Ridgway, M.S.

3 people with raised arms in victory

I'm sure I looked like a deer in the headlights. I was viewing body cam videos from a police incident that occurred six months prior. My twenty-six year old son with special needs had become immensely frightened after he threw his cell phone at me, causing an injury to my hand. The police were in hot pursuit and he was running like a gazelle trying to escape his predator.

Our special needs kids/adults usually react to anxiety and stress with either the fight or flight reaction. As their parents, it's imperative that we remain calm in the midst of the storm. In fact, having this life skill is a treasure. I have developed this skill with plenty of practice under my belt.

If you'd like to know my secret of how I developed this life skill of maintaining clarity in the chaos, I'll share it with you. It might not be news to you. In fact, many of you may have tried this. The secret of my success is that I spend every morning practicing this technique. The resulting treasure is priceless!

Before my day begins, I set my freshly brewed cup of coffee on my nightstand and turn on my favorite TV preacher or grab my "Jesus Calling" devotional. Sometimes I open my Bible and start reading. I often have an inner sense of where I want to read. No matter how many times I may have read a particular passage, I always learn a new truth. Deep calls to deep (Psalm 42:7). As I grow deeper with God, He gives me deeper insight, comfort, wisdom and guidance.

This daily practice of my morning routine has produced spiritual "muscles" like strong faith, hope, love, patience and peace. When I have peace amidst a time when my son is panicking, I have clarity in the chaos. Instead of a deer in the headlights, I am able to focus on what I need to do in the moment to bring order back to the situation.

Staring at the scenes of the police videos was sending me into a temporary brain fog. This is the brain's natural reaction to stress or danger. Oxygen from the blood that streams to the brain starts to slow and redirects to your legs and arms as your body prepares to run or fight. This is why it's hard to think straight during an emergency situation. Watching my son on the video was more than difficult. It was heartbreaking. After prayer for emotional repair, I began to see more clearly. I began to understand my next path. I was reaping the benefit of clarity in the chaos.

I hope that you will consider investing your morning time to refresh your soul. This morning respite will produce a harvest of blessings. Guaranteed! Happy New Year!

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