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Alive and Made New!

Betsy Kay Ridgway, M.S.

Easter eggs in circle of twigs

Of all the amazing earthly benefits of Christianity, my most treasured jewel is my daily renewing. Each morning I sit in God's presence, and I am made new. Each time I leave my morning sacred space, I leave refreshed in spirit, mind and body. Last week I wrote about the importance of taking a daily respite. This routine gives you the benefit of participating in the life-giving force of Jesus' power.

When we wait upon the Lord, He renews our strength and gives us the power to soar above our circumstances. He gives us the energy to run and not be weary, to walk and not grow faint (Isaiah 40:31). Yes, I need this kind of strength and energy each and every day!

Remember the Scripture from last week's blog? I hope you spent time meditating on the Word from Proverbs 4:20-22, "Beloved, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to My Words. Do not let them out of your sight; keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH to one's WHOLE BODY" (emphasis mine).

Jesus wants to us be healthy and whole on earth and enjoy the abundant life that He died to give us. How I love to celebrate His precious Life, especially at Easter! I once was lost, traveling through life without purpose. I was once dead and hopeless, and am now alive and made new!

Happy Easter Friends! I hope you make this wonderful discovery for your life! Come and enjoy the great exchange. Let Jesus take your hurt and exchange it for hope; your dread and exchange it for security and peace. Shalom!

Next week I'll be sharing a sweet mystery with you. Until next Friday, I'll see you at

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